1. Services
  2. Coaching Skills Training

Coaching Skills Training

Professional coaching is a fabulous investment in key individuals - but there are times when an external coach is not a viable option.

If an organisation wishes to create a wider culture of coaching, providing training in basic coaching skills to larger numbers of employees, Coaching Skills Training is the answer.

Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the enormous value of coaching in driving their commercial effectiveness. A great external coach brings professional expertise, years of experience, and the impartiality and confidentiality of being outside of your organisation. For your business leaders, these attributes in a coach are key.  But for other, typically less senior populations, an in-house coach can do a fabulous job, provided they are well-trained, and there is rigour around supervision of their work.

We are ideally placed to create and deliver a bespoke programme to develop basic coaching skills across larger numbers of people in your business, having run coaching training programs for multiple organisations, training thousands of individuals over the past decade.

The result? People start to adopt a coaching mindset with peers, staff and leaders alike, and the power of coaching is unleashed throughout your organisation.

Purpose and results

The purpose of Coaching Skills Training varies depending on the aspirations of the organisation. Some clients wish to build basic coaching skills across a wide employee base. Others decide to develop a more skilled, in-house coaching cadre. Yet others use both, with the aim of building a 'coaching culture'.

The results you can expect:

  • Participants leave with the confidence to use basic coaching techniques, having used them for real during the training.
  • They get clear on where and how they can apply their new skills in the business for real.
  • The culture shifts towards more frequent coaching-style interactions between employees, whether peers or in boss/ subordinate relationships.
  • The powerful effects of coaching are evident, across a broad spectrum of your organisation.
  • More people ask if they can take part! Coaching is powerful, and once experienced, people want to know how to use it themselves - this is how the culture change catches hold and gains traction.

How it works

The structure of In-house coaching training varies. You may wish to start with a specific level in your organisation or to focus on a specific function, or leadership team. And depending on the over all goal, the content may be more or less extensive.

Whatever the goal, we start by creating a pilot programme, that builds on our considerable experience of delivering such programmes, but is tailored to what you need to achieve for your business. We work closely with you throughout the pilot, learning together through the experience, and honing the programme ready for wider delivery.

All programmes involve both 'training room' and 'on the job' activity, often as a sandwich of training - practical exploration - further training. Coaching is not a theory to be read and consigned to the bookshelf. It can be learnt only when it is practiced for real, which is exactly what we do in our trainings - no role-plays here! They simply don't work for coaching. So attendees will find they spend far more time 'delivering' than reading or listening.

As a result, they leave knowing that they are able to use the skills in real situations back in the business.

We frequently provide Coach Supervision in support of people who have attended our trainings, ensuring that there is support through the ongoing learning process, and keeping an eye on the all-important ethics around coaching others in your organisation.